Sunday 27 November 2011

Apologies once again!

Sorry I havent been updating the blog very much, its been such as busy time! The run up to Christmas is always hectic for everyone, but for some its slightly more hassle. Theres the gifts to think about, the christmas parties to think about and work life always becomes a time of madness. As a university student, I am trying to cram in as much studying and coursework as possible before the Christmas break and this involves a lot of late nights and cups of coffee! And this poor neglected blog has been left to gather dust, while I pull my hair out over deadlines and what to buy the loved ones for Christmas....

But not anymore! Ive got myself into motivational mode and I am ready to dive back into the blogosphere with enthusiasm! Armed with some exciting news, gorgeous inspiration and more ways to wear posts, I've planned ahead for the next half a dozen posts and they'll be popping up over the next month!

Stay tuned to hear more about our up and coming fair...

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